Education is a formal teaching and learning process that aims to shape the mind and behavior of the learners for the better. Primarily, education must start at home, the surrounding environment of the child is the fundamental aspect of learning behavior and certain values. However, the environment of a child is not always
educational and safe, sometimes it is threatening and hostile. That is why certain behavior of the child as they grow older reflects on the form of disciplining of the family.
In the process of educating the child, it doesn’t have to be started with books and facts. Appropriate behaviors and values must be introduced first. Once all the emotional readiness of the child has been set, they are now open to academic learning. According to B.F. Skinner, the ultimate goal of education is to bring about behavior necessary for human survival. In my opinion, he was referring to the behavior that was adapted through time and was evolving in different times. The behavior of humans differs in the culture
and tradition in every society. Some communities stayed on their belief even if it was already beyond the capacity of their environment, the modernization, and the socialization of different communities. Certain hygienic practices do not conform to the standard of sanitation which leads to diseases and death.
I slightly agree with him that to move further the civilization of humankind, we have to heal the ignorance of the many. The only way to develop is an open mind and acceptance. There are a lot of communities that still hold on to their tradition even if there are better ways of doing it. However, communities that continued adapting to the original culture of society tried to preserve the learnings and values they have received from their ancestors. As we have learned the nature of our surroundings, we get to understand eventually how to defend ourselves as humanity through time. By learning around us, with the consideration of the changing climate, we slowly getting smart and practical.
As a teacher, different forms of conditioning could be used to shape the behavior of the learners. Behavior is one of the learned aspects in society that dictates the majority of the families as they have acquired it from the tradition dominant in the place. Some behaviors are learned at home which is acquired first-hand and personally, these behaviors are imitated by the adult inside the home. That is why the adults are responsible for the shaped behavior which is very crucial in the process of understanding and modeling. Ideally, family is just a part of the society that brings about different personalities necessary for acquisition. The variety of the culture in a community helped everyone understand the necessary behavior that must be learned from home to the community and as they engage in culture with the other community. These behaviors are directly learned from all walks of life even if they are only introduced to the usual nurtured scenario of a community.
To sum it up, behavior is a learned aspect that must be learned at home first-hand so that when they engage on the outside, they would be able to weigh the things they have learned and are about to be acquired. Behavioral shaping needs to have conformed to the standards which are believed to be ethical and universal. This is a way of directing the values learned through time which is very beneficial in the community for the survival process. Once all the basic behavior has been acquired at home, proper education commences on enhancing and developing more of the behavior that allows being integrated into the lessons.