The recreation experiences of the senior group upon realizing an activity are fulfilling because there were a lot of participants who joined and were interested. All their efforts were paid-off, considering how they started their group and eventually developed their camp. It was a smart plan to introduce the activity in the camp because it attracts a lot of participants to join. They have also stakeholders that helped them achieve the goals that support them to realize their recreation.
There were praises and compliments received that prove that they have successfully implemented the activity. It enables them to share their knowledge and expertise with the rest with the aim also to help the children develop skills in music. Being a part of an organizing activity, they might have a challenging situation that tests their patience and teamwork that enables them to grow and solve the problems on their own. They might have experienced also frustrations and pressure considering the number of participants who wished to join and the quality of the teachings to be introduced.
The participants must have been happy, excited, and thrilled because they got to rest while learning a new skill. They must have been made friends because of the activity that caters to a lot of participants coming from different places. They might be satisfied and accomplished upon learning the ukulele while having fun. As for the grandparents, they have also felt like joining the camp because they were also provided an extra ukulele to learn voluntarily. This is to avoid boredom while waiting and to kill the time. It would be fun to let them engage also in the activity. There were also side activities that allows them to join as well, which will increase the likelihood of registering for the camp for the next year.
The value of the program to the participants is to learn new skills and improve musical and spatial skills. It would allow them also to be productive while on a summer vacation. It enables them to interact with different participants and make friends as well. And the value of the program to the leaders is to learn how to organize an activity, showcase their talent, and share their knowledge with the participants. In this way, while they are on a summer vacation, they would be making a progress too because while teaching they are also learning as well. It would give them an idea also on how to conduct summer camp or any activity with the anticipated problems solved.
The activity could be considered a leisure activity for both groups because the activity is done voluntarily and of interest to the participants. They have also enjoyed the activity and learned from it too. And it was done during my free time, with nothing else to do. As for the leaders, it was leisure too because it was their interest and field of expertise. They have shared their knowledge out of willingness that enables them to feel fulfilling experience and accomplished tasks. While they are teaching, they are also learning and having fun.